A Sierra Monitor Company
SlotServer Start-Up Guide
This manual provides instructions for the following FieldServer products:
The instructions are effective for the above as of November 2009
Kernel Version:
Document Revision:
SlotServer Start-Up Guide
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USB Flash Drive loaded with:
SlotServer Start-up Guide
SlotServer Configuration Manual
FieldServer Utilities Manual
All FieldServer Driver Supplements
Support Utilities
Any additional folders related to special files configured for a specific FieldServer
Additional components as required - See Driver Manual Supplement for details
2-way combi-comb connector for LonWorks port
7-ft Cat5 cable with RJ45 connectors at both ends (Part # FS-8915-10)
The following components will need to be procured as a minimum for achieving ControlLogix integration. Ensure
that these are available before commencing with commissioning
Part #
ControlLogix Rack
ControlLogix CPU
ControlLogix PSU
9324-RLD300ENE RSLOGIX 5000
The SlotServer plugs directly into the AB1756 ControlLogix rack. Take note of the slot number used for the
SlotServer as this will be needed when configuring the I/O in the RSLogix software.
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SlotServer Start-Up Guide
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Note that there are several hardware ports available on the SlotServer card, but that this SlotServer model only
makes use of a select few. The ports and displays of interest are as shown in the diagram below:
Scrolling display shows card messages
Card Status Indicators show general card status
Service Pin for LonWorks Commissioning
Communications Status LED’s show status of
communications and card software.
TP/FT10 LonWorks Connection.
This two wire
connection is polarity insensitive and can be multi-
dropped into a LonWorks Network.
Ethernet Port. The Ethernet port can be used with
standard Ethernet cables for configuration and
troubleshooting, as well as for Protocols that require an
Ethernet connection
RS-485 Port. This is a standard 2-wire RS-485 port.
Specify as R1 in the configuration.
A label has been provided on the inside of the
cover door for the User to document important or
useful configuration parameters used. In
particular, special provision has been made to
document the Ethernet port IP parameters, as well
as the LonWorks DSN (Domain/Subnet/Node)
allocated by the Network Manager. These fields
are there to be utilized at the User’s discretion.
Figure 1: Diagram of SlotServer showing ports and displays
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The following table presents the relevant technical specifications.
Slot width
BackPlane Current Load
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Allen Bradley Platform:
LonWorks Connection type:
Ethernet port
0-60°C (32-140°F)
-40 - 85°C (-40 - 185°F)
5-95% (Non-Condensing)
ControlLogix 1756 Rack
10/100 MB/sec.
2-wire, half duplex.
UL 60950-1:2003
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1-03
RS-485 port
Table 1: Product Specifications
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The SlotServer plugs directly into the AB1756 ControlLogix rack. Take note of the slot number used for the
SlotServer as this will be needed when configuring the I/O in the RSLogix software.
Apply power to the device. Refer to the panel to ensure that the SlotServer has powered up successfully. The
Scrolling Display
This will Display an OK status when the SlotServer has powered up successfully.
Card Status
The Comm and OK lights will indicate green when the SlotServer has powered up
successfully. The Sys indicator will indicate green if the external nodes are all
communicating properly; and red otherwise.
Plug the supplied USB flash drive into the USB port on a PC/laptop.
Open Index.html to get the menu of options
Run the Install option and follow the installation instructions.
Once installed, the FieldServer Utilities can be located in the Windows Start menu and as a desktop icon.
If connecting through a hub/switch, use the supplied Cat5 UTP Ethernet cable to connect between the
Ethernet port of the SlotServer and the hub. Refer to Section 0 for more information.
If it is necessary to connect the PC directly to the SlotServer, a cross-over cable is required (not supplied).
Disable any wireless Ethernet adapters on the PC/Laptop,
It is important that the PC/Laptop is on the same subnet as the SlotServer. The default IP address on the
SlotServer Ethernet port is 192.168.2.X. Refer to the FieldServer Utilities Manual for information on how
to change the SlotServer’s IP address.
Select Start|Programs|FieldServer Utilities, browse to the Ping Utility and select it. The display should
SlotServer Name
IP Address (192.168.2.X)
SlotServer Version
If necessary, refer to Appendix A for troubleshooting tips.
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All configuration file transfers and system diagnostics are executed via the RUI or “Remote User Interface” which is
installed with the Utility software. Refer to the FieldServer Utilities manual for further information.
Browse to the Remote User Interface icon in the Start menu directory and click on it.
The RUI menu screen should appear.
If necessary, refer to Appendix A for troubleshooting tips.
The configuration of the SlotServer is provided to the FieldServer’s operating system via a comma-delimited file
called “CONFIG.CSV”. If ordered with the SlotServer, the custom configuration is installed; (Reference
documentation FS-8790-XX). If a custom configuration is not purchased, a template config.csv is shipped on the
SlotServer. Refer to the SlotServer Configuration Manual and the Driver Manual(s) provided with the SlotServer
for further information on configuration files.
In the main menu of the Remote User Interface screen, type “U” to upload the configuration. Then type
“U” again. The Remote User Interface Utility will fetch the default configuration and put it into the
Configuration File folder (Start|Programs|FieldServerUtilities|Configuration File folder).
FieldServer Technologies offers training on this topic as well as a configuration service to complete this portion of
Refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual for instruction on writing a FieldServer configuration.
Refer to the SlotServer Configuration Manual for assistance on managing the Logix driver Parameters
Refer to the desired protocol Driver Supplement for assistance on managing the protocol parameters.
Before attempting to send files to the SlotServer, ensure that the files are in the configuration file folder. Refer to
the FieldServer Utilities manual for further information.
From the main menu, type "D" to access the “download” menu,
Type "L" (for local filename) to specify the name and extension of the file to be sent to the SlotServer. Hit
<Enter> when done.
The Remote User Interface Utility will automatically select config.csv for download of csv files. On rare
occasions where other files need to be downloaded to the SlotServer type “O” for other files, then type
“R” to specify the remote filename needed on the SlotServer.
When satisfied that the correct file names are specified, Type "D" to download the file to the SlotServer.
The Remote User Interface Utility will display a menu showing download progress.
Note: the Remote User Interface Utility will indicate when download is complete. DO NOT reset the SlotServer
before this message displays, as this could corrupt the SlotServer.
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Once download is complete, hit <Esc> to get back to the main menu and use the "!" option (or simply
cycle power to the SlotServer) to put the new file into operation. Note that it is possible to do multiple
downloads to the SlotServer before resetting it.
Firmware created by FieldServer Technologies can be downloaded from the configuration file by simply
typing “F” from the download menu. Note that FieldServer usually supplies firmware upgrades as an
install.zip, for which a separate procedure is used, (See ENote 037 on the USB flash drive in a folder called
Connect the SlotServer to the third party devices, and test the application.
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SlotServer Start-Up Guide
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Appendix A. Useful Features
Refer to the Configuration Manual for useful configuration features.
The unit may be removed under power for convenient swapping of modules.
Appendix A.1. LED Functions
Service Pin
The LonWorks Service pin can be used for commissioning the SlotServer
into a LonWorks network.
Conf Err
Com Err
Node Off
Sys Err
LonWorks Activity can be determined using this LED as follows:
LON LED Activity
Explicit Implicit – Not
Implicit –
Figure 3: Diagram of SlotServer showing ports and displays
When the SlotServer is powered up, this light will start flashing after
approximately 2 minutes. If this light does not flash, it is an indication that the
firmware is not running, and that the SlotServer will not be operating.
This LED indicates LonWorks activity. Refer to Figure 3.
This light indicates that a device bound to the SlotServer on the LonWorks network
is not communicating. Use the LonWorks Network Manager to troubleshoot the
This light indicates an error in the configuration of the card. Since this model is
shipped pre-configured, this light should never come on unless the card
configuration is tampered with
This light indicates that an unexpected operation state occurred. The light can be
reset by cycling power to the card. If the error re-occurs persistently, then contact
FieldServer Technical support for assistance with troubleshooting after setting up
the trade port as shown in Appendix A.
Conf Err
Sys Err
This light indicates that a communication error occurred. Use the LonWorks
Network Manager to troubleshoot the problem, or refer to the SlotServer
configuration Manual.
Com Err
These lights are related to the RS-485 serial ports provided on the SlotServer. The
Rx (Receive) light will flash red if the FieldServer is receiving data. The Tx
(Transmit) light will flash red if the FieldServer is sending data. (Note that due to
the nature of 2-wire RS-485 the Rx light will flash every time the Tx light flashes
too). The frequency of the flashing is directly related to the frequency of data
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SlotServer Start-Up Guide
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Ethernet Lights
These lights are related to the Ethernet network ports provided on the SlotServer.
The 10/100 light will be green if the physical connection to the network hub is
running at 100 MBits/s. If the light is off, the connection is running at 10 MBits/s.
The Act (Activity) light will indicate activity on the network. The frequency of
flashing is directly related to the network activity. It does not necessarily mean
data is being received by the FieldServer.
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting
Appendix B.1. Things to check when communications fail.
Check for loose cabling on the third party network
Verify that the correct program is loaded to the CPU
Verify that the correct data types for the tags have been used.
Appendix B.2. Timeout Errors on SlotServer
The following remedial action is suggested if timeout errors are experienced:
The PLC is not set to RUN mode - it may still be in PRG mode. Resolve by putting the PLC into RUN mode.
The IO image connection has not been established successfully. The F screen should show some error
messages also. Refer to the Slotserver Configuration Manual, and insert the correct size and RPI values
when adding the SlotServer in RSLogix5000.
Appendix B.3. Data Transfer
It is important that the PLC is set to Run – data is only transferred on Run.
The SlotServer’s Logix connection will transfer data to the PLC regardless of the Node status of the Client
Nodes. The Logix connection will not be broken if a Client Node goes offline. Node status can be
confirmed by checking the Node Status bits.
Appendix B.4. ASIC Error on Soft Restart
If the SlotServer is restarted using Ruinet (!) while the PLC is running, the SlotServer will try to reset the ASIC chip.
When it finds it is unable to do this it will produce the following Error message and continue to cycle power to the
SlotServer creating an endless loop.
Under these circumstances it is recommended that the PLC is stopped before the SlotServer is restarted.
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Appendix B.5. Technical Support
Before contacting Technical support to report an issue, go to Start|Programs|FieldServer utilities|Tools and
browse to Serial Capture. Take a log (See ENotes 26 and 58 in the folder called Library on the USB Flash Drive).
Send this log together with the configuration file to support@fieldserver.com for evaluation.
Note that while all necessary documentation is shipped with the FieldServer on the USB flash drive, these
documents are constantly being updated. Newer versions may be available on the web at www.fieldserver.com.
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Appendix C. Vendor Information
Appendix C.1. Installing SlotServer on a Remote Rack using CNB Cards 1
Appendix C.1.1.
Hardware and Software requirements
Two 1756 racks, one containing the CPU and the other the SlotServer
Two Controlnet CNB cards with connection cables to connect the racks to one other
SlotServer EDS file (Available on SlotServer CD, or call Technical Support)
Appendix C.1.2.
Install the CPU and the first CNB card in the local rack.
Install the second CNB card and the SlotServer in the remote rack.
Connect the ControlNet Network
Power up the racks
Install the SlotServer EDS File using the RSLinx Hardware EDS Installation Tool.
Make sure the SlotServer has a valid configuration loaded. The default configuration shipped with the
SlotServer should suffice.
Refer to the SlotServer Configuration Manual for further information.
1 The principles for connecting other 1756 bridging cards to the SlotServer are similar.
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Appendix D. Limited Warranty
FieldServer Technologies warrants its products to be free from defects in workmanship or material under normal
use and service for two years after date of shipment. FieldServer Technologies will repair or replace without
charge any equipment found to be defective during the warranty period. Final determination of the nature and
responsibility for defective or damaged equipment will be made by FieldServer Technologies personnel.
All warranties hereunder are contingent upon proper use in the application for which the product was intended
and do not cover products which have been modified or repaired without FieldServer Technologies approval or
which have been subjected to accident, improper maintenance, installation or application, or on which original
identification marks have been removed or altered. This Limited Warranty also will not apply to interconnecting
cables or wires, consumables or to any damage resulting from battery leakage.
In all cases FieldServer Technology’s responsibility and liability under this warranty shall be limited to the cost of
the equipment. The purchaser must obtain shipping instructions for the prepaid return of any item under this
warranty provision and compliance with such instruction shall be a condition of this warranty.
Except for the express warranty stated above, FieldServer Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to the
products sold hereunder including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness and the express warranties
stated herein are in lieu of all obligations or liabilities on the part of FieldServer Technologies for damages
including, but not limited to, consequential damages arising out of/or in connection with the use or performance
of the product.
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
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